About Us
The Kansas Forest Service is the nation’s fifth oldest state forestry agency, created by legislative act in 1887. The agency serves rural landowners, communities, rural fire districts, forest and arboriculture industries, and citizens of the state. The agency receives its direction from its mission statement, Sustaining and enhancing natural resources and communities through forestry and wildland fire management.
For over 50 years, the Kansas Forest Service Fire Management Program has provided support to fire departments to enhance their fire suppression capacity. The mission of the Fire Management Program is Empowering fire departments to provide better service to Kansans through training, equipment, and financial assistance.
The Kansas Forest Service is housed as an independent agency within K-State Research and Extension.
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Learn more about prescribed burning, Firewise Communities and the Ready, Set, Go! program.

Financial Assistance
Apply for Volunteer Fire Assistance Cost Share Program, Community Wildfire Defense Grants and additional financial programs.

Kansas Forest Service is proud to support local fire departments with programs to help put essential firefighting equipment in the hands of Kansas fire departments.
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Contact your District Fire Management Officer
Every county in Kansas is assigned a fire management officer who can assist you with information on training, financial programs and other types of support for your department.

Fire Suppression
Weather is a key element of fire preparedness. Learn more about the current fire weather conditions, report a wildfire or check local conditions.
Enter your address or zoom into a location on the map to get an assessment of the likelihood of a wildfire for that location. For more detailed information on the assessment or wildfire risk at a specific location, go to the Risk Explorer.

Kansas Wildfire Risk Explorer
The Kansas Wildfire Risk Explorer (known as the “Risk Explorer”) is the primary mechanism for Kansas Forest Service to deploy wildfire risk information and create awareness about wildfire issues across the state. This application is tailored to support specific workflow and information requirements for the public, local community groups, private landowners, government officials, hazard-mitigation planners, and wildland fire managers. The application also provides the baseline information needed to support mitigation and prevention efforts across the state.

National Fire Danger Rating System
Utilizing the National Weather Service seven day forecasts, this product will allow you to view both current and forecasted fire danger via the Kansas Mesonet.
Contact Us
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